Code Oscillator Kit

   Jan 8, 20  I already have both oscillators models from Electro-Resales, Straight & Twin paddle, but adjusting the freq. and volume on them makes wacko sounds and takes fiddling to make a tone/volume I like so I have have been using the oscillator on my IC-7200.

   From my own ears, and good reports from class, I just purchased and am awaiting a 'QRPGuys KD1JV Code Trainer' kit and look forward to building it.  Kathy says she wants to help with the case.  Perhaps under our ham desk shelf, instead of in a lightweight tin that just lays wherever all its input/output connections let it on my desk as is our experience is so far.  If we cant cant get rid of wiring, we can make them as neat as we can.

   I await the kit in the mail and  meanwhile am setting up a build table and tools.

Jan 8,2020 - I ordered and have been going over the assembly directions

Jan ?,20 - I got the kit today and have started and finished assembly.  I like it a lot for  practicing code with my straight key.

May 2023 - I have fell off with the oscillator as one take a weird coin battery that does not last long, and all of them have to be hooked up to where I am practicing along with a amplified speaker.  I gave up on the 9v battery speaker amps.  I have considered an all in one oscillator with its own amp and speakers.  So even though I have a cool Kent twin paddle now I am not using it.     

Aug 16, 2023 - I got a coin batt to USB adaptor so I do not have to use a battery with the QRP guys oscillator.

QRPGuys KD1JV Oscillator Assembly Instructions

QRPGuys KD1JV Code trainer